Dog destroying door by jumping and scratching at it.

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Dog destroying door by jumping and scratching at it.

Post by jellybean »

How do I keep a dog from jumping and scratching at the door whenever someone comes to the door. He has already caused quite a bit of damage. I know how to train him to not jump at it - with the off command, for example; but how do I keep him form doing that when there is no one at home?
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Re: Dog destroying door by jumping and scratching at it.

Post by JudyN »

I know someone with a dog who scratched at the door whenever left at home alone, who presumably had a touch of separation anxiety. After a while, she tried placing a small stepladder in front of the door so the dog couldn't get to it. Hey presto, not only did the dog stop scratching the door, but was now seemingly OK with being left. So it may be as simple as that - or putting up a protective panel of some sort.

Otherwise, it's a case of working out why the dog is scratching the door and trying to change his response. Is he excited about meeting a new visitor? Does he want to see off a potential intruder? is it the door bell that sets him off, and exactly does he react when he hears it?
Jasper, lurcher, born December 2009
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Re: Dog destroying door by jumping and scratching at it.

Post by jellybean »

It's whenever someone comes to the door, I think, or hears something outside.

I know there are sticky sheets of paper to discourage cats from scratching at furniture. Does anyone know of such a thing big enough for a door? I wonder if that would work.
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