Any trainer's suggestions for body language resources?

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Any trainer's suggestions for body language resources?

Post by msminnamouse »

So Jean Donaldson used to have a really great body language series on Youtube that I liked to refer adopters and training clients to, but she's since made them private so I can't do that anymore. It was a presentation of actual dogs and their body language and interpretations. It was free so it was likely that people would really at least check it out.

I'm aware of Lily Chin's doggie drawings, also free, but they're cartoons and not as helpful as the real thing, in my opinion. Although I'm not debating how fantastic they are, which they are.

Does anyone know of a FREE resource showing body language on real dogs (photos or video) that I can refer adopters and clients to? It's mostly adopters so I can't afford to buy things for them or lend out books/videos or show slides. I'd like something comprehensive that shows happy, relaxed, stressed, appeasement, displacement, aggression, etc.

The goal here is for people to learn how to communicate with their dogs by knowing how to read what the dog is trying to tell them. I also think knowing how to do this will influence their training decisions for the better... When they see the body language of a dog being shocked, pronged, or choked, or intimidated, or "dominated".

It has to be free so more people will be willing to check it out. If they have to pay for it, I don't think they're likely to buy it or at least, not in a timely manner.

Thanks for any suggestions.
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Re: Any trainer's suggestions for body language resources?

Post by WufWuf »

It's such a pity that these videos are now private. I'm sorry I've nothing else to offer in place of them, I think they were lot's of people's go-to videos for dog body language. They are the videos that are linked in the Useful Links and Recommended Reading thread on here.

Hopefully someone will be able to come up with something else to replace them, in the mean time if you do happen upon anything yourself maybe you could update this post and let us know :D .
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Re: Any trainer's suggestions for body language resources?

Post by msminnamouse »

The good old Pet Professional Guild came through. It's not nearly as good but it's still very helpful.

Maybe I'll do one soon with realistic drawings or pictures. I don't want to go around scaring or pissing off dogs though! So I'll probably have to find pics and get permission to use them.
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