What's is Rendered meat in kibble.......

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What's is Rendered meat in kibble.......

Post by monib1969 »

If you live in the US and are debating on feeding your dog an all natural diet vs store bought can and kibble, here are a few undercover videos that show what goes into the rendered "meat" meal and meat "by products" from some of the US's largest rendering plants. I have to warn you, some of these videos are gruesome so be for warned. But most of all it is really disgusting what they grind for our pet's kibble.

Los Angeles, CA rendering plant, undercover video from 2007 ... this is awful, if you have a weak stomach you may not want to watch

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4nZKP-h ... re=related
AAFCO President admitting you don't know what animal is in bone/meat meal ... nice!!!!

this one is a video of a truck that spilled all it's rotten meat on the freeway on the way to the rendering plant .... ewwwwww!!! this is what part of your dog's kibble looks like.

http://www.siriusdog.com/pet-food-rende ... -smith.htm
Good articles on undercover looks at what goes into the rendering plant. Not a video.

The website of an east coast rendering plant ... hmmm they admit using roadkill for pet feed .. here Fido ... YUM!!!

Make an informed decision that could lengthen the life of your pet and save you money on costly vet bills for ailments caused by poor diets.
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