Victoria/Cesar stand off!!

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Post by Mattie »

Thanks Nettle, it all makes sense to me now but I couldn't say what I was seeing. She came to me at 20 weeks old straight from the pound and she does sometimes fall when chasing Bonnie.

Ufortunately she chewed my cable that connects my camera to my computer so only have this one from when she was about 6/7 months old.

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Post by Nettle »

Cor, she's a doll!! :D
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Post by Cracker »

Hi Mattie! I THOUGHT you were "Tilly" on the other I know!
I agree with Nettle that the lower back looks a bit off, maybe some weakness in her lumbar muscles or like Nettle said a previous lower back or hip injury has caused a "favouring" posture. She is a beaut though!
A tellington touch practitioner may be able to help you learn how to work that area to create a better balance and awareness of her lower back. Worth looking into.

One of my walking clients has told me her breeder (she has a golden) wants to breed her male. He's a beautiful sweet dog, but when they checked his hips he showed grade one dysplasia in one of his hips. It's barely noticeable to the untrained eye and the breeder ended up doing three different certifications, just to find ONE that would say his hips are ok. Two of the three said not to breed, ONE said it would be okay. When I first met the dog the owner went upstairs to get something and he followed. He took the stairs with his left leg two at a time, but only one at a time with the right. When she came back down I asked her if it was the right hip that was questionable..she looked at me shocked and said yes. I said regardless of what xray number three shows he has weakness and/or discomfort in his right leg and she should fight her breeder on breeding him. The battle continues but she now feels she is right in telling the breeder she shouldn't breed him and that she wants to neuter the dog.

Observation is key. And we should always listen to our instincts. I know when I worked at the vet I often told clients that they should follow their instincts and what they know of their own dogs. If something "seems off" then it mostly likely IS.
Maggi Burtt
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Post by Mattie »

So as not to completely take over this thread I will start another about Tilly.

Yes Cracker, I am Tilly, also Merlin, Joe, Gracie, Bonnie and Ellie depending on what the question is. :lol:
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Post by cindynok »

Yes Cracker, I am Tilly, also Merlin, Joe, Gracie, Bonnie and Ellie depending on what the question is.
Why do you post under different names?
Am I missing something?
Cindy from Oklahoma
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Post by Mattie »

on that forum you have to post as one of your dogs, depending on what they question is if I have a dog with the same or very similar to the problem, I post under that dog's name.
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Post by JBlover »

I watch both shows. IMO, both shows are beneficial despite displaying different training techniques. There are so many horrible dog owners and both shows profile such. As mentioned, often it is the owners who are the problem, not the dog. In that respect, both shows identify techniques that teach the owners how to do SOMETHING to correct their dogs behaviors.

The people who post on this board are NOT your average viewer. They are more informed, and are able to see the benefits of Victorias training versus Cesar's. However, outside of this board, with the hordes of idiot dog owners, although Victorias training is much preferred, Cesars has a place too. These owners need to learn to correct their own behavior and both shows teach that.

Oh, and Victoria rocks those sexy boots!
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Post by Mattie »

You think it is ok for CM to show owners how to use wrongly, electric and prong collars as well as helicoptering dogs? Earlier this year a trainer was prosecuted in the UK for helicoptering a dog.
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Post by ckranz »

Mattie wrote:on that forum you have to post as one of your dogs, depending on what they question is if I have a dog with the same or very similar to the problem, I post under that dog's name.
You must be a member of dogster then
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Post by Missymay »

Mattie, I do the same on the other forum. Ash posts on behavior, Merlin on rescue, Kaluha on abuse and mills and Angel, Demon and Pricess on whatever else I come across.

As to Cesar having his place, the things he says I agree with are not unique to him. Any good trainer will tell you the same. Dogs are not lawn ornements, They need exercise. They are not children.

But he leads people to view thier dogs with dominance colored glasses, creating a prepetual struggle for the top position that does not need to happen. His whole philosophy is founded in dominating your dog, cowing it, might making right. Just not needed.

And much of what he tells people to do can be counter productive, some can actually make the situation so much worse.
Kim and Asher

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Post by cindynok »


I watch both shows too, but it seems that the new CM shows on this week, CM is getting much more physical with the dogs. It concerns that I am now noticing him lightly kick the dogs on the front and back legs.
It seems like on the show he does magic, but many times covers mistakes with a bunch of talk.

Last night he was working with a GSD that had almost killed a small cross breed breed dog. He said oh I am watching and the GSD almost got the little one , then he jumped up.

I do like some of the things he does but have also been watching Dog Town about the Michael Vick dogs, and like one trainer said "They think I am a bag of treats" She trains like Victoria. This is much more my style even as a person---Kill em with kindness.

My two Boston's are wearing me out with their rough play but both are still under 1 1/2 and I see both growing and maturing.
I have been practicing loose leash walking with them, male is not getting it as quickly as the female, she already knows if she pulls I will stop and that is not what she wants.. She is a pleaser, he is hard headed but a lover. Neiko is the one who was snapping at the grandchild. Well the kids have gone back to Germany and we haven't seen that behavior at all aroung the 4 yr old grandson. They are best buds! Neiko still reacts to some of the other dogs only when he is sound asleep and curled up under the covers.

We lost one of our cats this week. He passed and I really miss him curled up to me at night asleep. He was a good companion but did not like children-never did.

Am off waiting for a kill shelter to call about a dog, may be making a last minute run out of town.

Hugs and Happy New Year to All,
Cindy from Oklahoma
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Post by Butterfly_dawn »

Helicoptering??? :?

As new dog owners bamboozled by all the different methods and tips and trainers and shows we were given a CM video by a well meaning friend. We began using the "check" methods he said to use. Quickly stopped. I was getting frustrated and upset, Nelson was getting scared and confused. We weren't getting anywhere with it.

Nup, positive reinforcement for good behaviour and growly voice or distraction/redirection when caught in the act from now on. Learning much more quickly and everyone's happier. We do use a halti just in case when walking because he's such a huge strong dog, but this is very much paired with training.

And I agree that some things he say are agreeable - but are common to pretty well any dog training advice (re exercise being good, and not spoiling your dog like children... well, spoiled children at least. We consider Nelson very much part of the family, but we still expect him to live by the rules and try to teach him accordingly. I did say try :roll: :oops: )
Love that dog...
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Post by Doggie Python »

Another area where Victoria and Cesar share similar ground...neither are presenting anything really "new". :wink:


If any method and/or philosophy is getting you frustrated and upset, that method and/or philosophy may not be for you.

There is more than one way to create a stable, healthy, happy dog who is a safe member of society and welcomed anywhere.

Hang in there and keep researching in order to find what feels right for you and your dog.

The end results will eventually speak for themselves.
"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" Dennis
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Post by Bama »

JBlover wrote:I watch both shows. IMO, both shows are beneficial despite displaying different training techniques. There are so many horrible dog owners and both shows profile such. As mentioned, often it is the owners who are the problem, not the dog. In that respect, both shows identify techniques that teach the owners how to do SOMETHING to correct their dogs behaviors.

The people who post on this board are NOT your average viewer. They are more informed, and are able to see the benefits of Victorias training versus Cesar's. However, outside of this board, with the hordes of idiot dog owners, although Victorias training is much preferred, Cesars has a place too. These owners need to learn to correct their own behavior and both shows teach that.

Oh, and Victoria rocks those sexy boots!

I agree with you whole-heartedly. I also watch both shows. While I prefer Victoria's methods, I still take away something from Cesar's shows too.

And several in this thread have mentioned that he says women don't make good pack leaders, I never heard him say that, exactly. I do remember one particular show where he said that women are typically the caregivers in the family and that leading may not come naturally to them (not a quote). I do not recall him saying that a woman couldn't be a good pack leader. If he believed this, why would he bother to take on any cases with woman owners?
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Victoria vs Cesar

Post by Bama »

JBlover wrote:I watch both shows. IMO, both shows are beneficial despite displaying different training techniques. There are so many horrible dog owners and both shows profile such. As mentioned, often it is the owners who are the problem, not the dog. In that respect, both shows identify techniques that teach the owners how to do SOMETHING to correct their dogs behaviors.

The people who post on this board are NOT your average viewer. They are more informed, and are able to see the benefits of Victorias training versus Cesar's. However, outside of this board, with the hordes of idiot dog owners, although Victorias training is much preferred, Cesars has a place too. These owners need to learn to correct their own behavior and both shows teach that.

Oh, and Victoria rocks those sexy boots!

I agree with you whole-heartedly. I also watch both shows. While I prefer Victoria's methods, I still take away something from Cesar's shows too.

And several in this thread have mentioned that he says women don't make good pack leaders, I never heard him say that, exactly. I do remember one particular show where he said that women are typically the caregivers in the family and that leading may not come naturally to them (not a quote). I do not recall him saying that a woman couldn't be a good pack leader. If he believed this, why would he bother to take on any cases with woman owners?
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