very protective

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very protective

Post by pooch_love »

Dude a pekignese/poodle mix is anything but aggressive but is very protective of our family. If a stranger me directions while I am walking dude, dude watches very carefully and then starts barking like he is trying to scare the stranger off. The thing is his tail is wagging a lot. It is only with strangers too. The strangers always usually joke and say Wow a mini guard dog or something like that. I was just wondering if any of your dogs are this protective? Also if I go on a walk with my sisters and Dude and Goofy (another small dog), I usually either run in the store or one of us does, Dude will start whining and will try pulling to follow the person going into the general store. Is this a normal behavior?
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Post by Fundog »

Yes, I would say it is. At least, it isn't "ab-normal," anyway. It is very common, and a lot of it depends on the way the dog has been "trained," whether intentionally or not. The wagging tail-- there are actually several types of tail wags, that mean different things. If a tail is strait up in the air, it is not necessarily friendly, but a warning to keep your distance. If the tail is low and wagging, it is usually friendly.

My dog has been trained (or actually, her behavior has been reinforced) to protect me, since I almost always walk her alone at night. But she is a lot quieter in her warnings. If a man approaches me uninvited, he has an invisible line he is not allowed to cross. One toe over that invisible line, and she will quietly growl, not bark, just growl. But the men always get the message and back off behind the invisible line, instantly! Then they always praise me for having such a protective dog, "Wow, it's great that she's like that-- what a good dog!"

Also, when I've walked her with my sisters, and stopped to go into a restroom, leaving Annie with them, Annie also has no interest in walking around while waiting for me-- instead, she leads my sisters right back to the spot where I had last been, and waits anxiously for me, eyes never straying from the door. When I take her into an enclosure to play with other dogs, she stands around looking at me until I tell her, "Go-- go play!" I just figure we have a strong connection. That's good, though.
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tail wagging

Post by pooch_love »

the tail is how it always wags when he is happy and wants to meet people. He always trys to jump up on ppl. He wasn't trained to bark..he just does. It is not a bad behavior or anything. Anyways when I get a dog I probably would want it to be a bit protective. :D
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Post by Nettle »

If I leave my dogs with someone while I nip into a shop or whatever, they don't take their eyes off where I was last seen until I come back. They then greet me as if I've been away for a month.

Once I took my stud dog to a house where two lady dogs were awaiting his services. I left him with their owner while I went up to the loo. When I came back, she said she'd never seen anything like it: "Two bitches hot to trot, and he never took his eyes off the door".
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thats pretty cool

Post by pooch_love »

What kind of dog is he by the way.. I am very curious. Also are they friendly towards strangers? andhow did you go about training them to do that? I am always trying to find my perfect breed....or one that I am compatible with. :D
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Post by Nettle »

He's a lurcher. They don't usually go to strangers. I didn't train him to do that, he's just a natural gentleman.

They have little or no guarding instinct as they are hound types, but they are naturally shy/aloof with those they don't know.

They have their drawbacks :D - the most colossal prey drive, and the ability to go from 0-35mph in one leap. Quite a bit of training involved to control that. But I love 'em.
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Post by pooch_love »

I dont really want a dog that has a high prey drive because I ama country kind of girl and love to go on walks on the trail letting our dogs free and watching them play with each other ignoring the squirrels and everything. For me personally I think when I grow up I am going to adopt a mixed breed. :D
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Post by pooch_love »

I dont really want a dog that has a high prey drive because I ama country kind of girl and love to go on walks on the trail letting our dogs free and watching them play with each other ignoring the squirrels and everything. For me personally I think when I grow up I am going to adopt a mixed breed. :D
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Post by Nettle »

It's sensible to keep right away from high prey drive dogs unless you have the commitment to control it, so good for you :) that you realise that.

Every breed has its downsides - the important thing is to pick the breed whose "downside" you are happy to manage.
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i totally agree!

Post by pooch_love »

I totally agree with you! :D I really like dalmations. The down side of them to some people might be their energy but I am VERY energetic, so I think a dalmation mix would be awesome!
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Post by Nettle »

Careful with mixes - you can never be sure how the genes have been inherited. They get 50% from each parent, but you don't know which 50%.

If you are after specifics, get a pure breed.
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Post by pooch_love »

yeah i will be careful with mixes..... i am thinking a golden retriever/dalmation or labrador/dalmation. Who really matters where I live and how big my house is and all of budget and everything! :D
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