Dog Problem?

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Dog Problem?

Post by pooch_love »

I have been doggysitting my aunts 10 month old labrador retriever/golden retriever mix and he is really wild! I The problem is he pulls me on walks every second. Since I am only 14 and I am not the strongest I have to grab on mail boxes sometimes and I keep slipping on the icy snow. How can I stop him from pulling me? I used the method when you stop when he pulls but it doesn't seem to work, unless I am doing it wrong??? It is only 9:12 am and I have him till 4:30 pm! I tried teachin him tricks by using food/toys as rewards, but he gets soo excited that he cant sit still for more than a second. I NEED tons of advice and help! Zues is his name and I forgot to mention.. His owner(my aunt) usually spoils him and disciplines him by spanking his butt. Also he doesn't have one of those no_pull halter things. He just has a collar and leash. Please Help!!!!!!!!
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Post by emmabeth »

With the pulling, just stopping dead when he pulls is going to take a while, because he knows that pulling works and what do we all do when we know a thing works.... and then it doesnt work?

Try harder!

Which in our case is why we bash the TV a few times or keep on turning the key in the ignition when the car wont start.... and for dogs is why they pull more... or bark more... or in puppies, play bite a bit harder..

You have to set him up to succeed so its easy for him to get it right, as all he currently knows is that pulling makes him get to wherever, faster.

So dont wait for him to have pulled the lead tight - hold the leash so you have it going from one hand, across your body to the other hand then down to the dog. Organise it so that in the hand nearest your dog you have a loop of 'slack', but also so that the lead is loose down to the dog (you cant teach him to keep hte lead loose if there isnt enough lead to do that).

Then walk, the second he gets ahead of where you want him to be, but BEFORE he puts tension on the lead - drop the slack and about turn in one movement and march off briskly in the opposite direction.

Keep doing this, until you feel really dumb, but importantly until he cottons on and thinks hey.. if i set off ahead, im getting no nearer... You can further increase your chances of success by having some nice treats to give him when hes walking beside you nicely, and also by giving him more reason to pay attention to you, so randomly ask for sits, downs, change the speed of your walk etc.

The idea isnt that he learns that pulling ahead is horrible, but that walking beside YOU is wayyyyyyy more fun and rewarding (because he gets treats, because he gets to wherever you were going, because he never knows what ou are going to ask him to do next in return for a treat... funfunfun for a doggy!).

However I have to say - if his owner continually lets him pull, you are going to have to remind him each time you walk him of how it works when you are on the other end of that leash - you cant expect him to learn to walk nicely forever more if one person is teaching him right.. and the other person is teaching him something entirely different (Though if you can be interesting enough and consistent enough, its likely he will learn to walk nicely for you... even if he never walks nicely for his Mom!).
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Post by pooch_love »

Thanks for the advice! :D I have Zues right now. I am lucky because my aunt doesn't usually use a leash on walks because she takes him out on the trail. Should I walk him on my left side or right? Also my mom doesn't want me on the road so do you think it is alright if I do his training on a trail?
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Post by rjb34me »

are you dog sitting on a weekly basis now?
sounds like he doesnt get much leash walking/training.
maybe your aunt can get you a no-pull harness ... -Dogs.aspx something like this, not a harness with the ring on top... Not that I think this is the end all of pulling, but I think its not fair for a 14 yr old to be pulled all around the block.

Now this wont STOP the pulling but will lesson it and help you in the standing still training when the pup pulls. make sure you get a martigale collar to go with it as some dogs are tricky and can get out of harnesses. when you clip the leash it goes through the ring on the harness and the ring on the collar.

I use this with both my dogs, although they are looses leash trained as if they dont have it. But my black lab is/was a major puller, and now my 10 yr old dd can walk her. (with me of course, we have 2 dogs LOL she walks one and I walk the other) and she does awsome. I also always have treats in my right pocket. I dont think which side is important , I think that they are always on that same side which is important.

It does sound like this dog is bored. maybe you can just do basic training sessions with him. such as sit, watch me and stay. Just to get the dog thinking, and tire him out. Also something like a Kong can help keep him occupied. Try a hearty game of fetch too. you dont even have to move LOL just stay there and throw the ball....
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Post by pooch_love »

My aunt usually drops him off atleast 3 days a week. I have already asked her if she could get me a gentle walking harness thing and all she says is, " What he needs is a choke collar" and if she buys one of those I am defiantly not using it. He is about 90-100 pounds and now that the side walks are snowy I have to walk him along the road edge which still has some ice and I have fallen down plenty of times. All I hope for is that he doesn't see another animal or human. But.... I have GREAT news! I tryed emmabeths techniques and I tink this is going to work! I got aggravated at him first because he started pulling right a way and the trail was VERY icy, but I didn't let it get to me. Soon after awhile he got the point if I pull I dont get any where. He actually walked by my side for pretty much the whole walk. I praised him when he walked by my side, gave him treats. I also held the treats im my right pocket like rjb34me said I should do. Also if he was being good for awhile he was alowed to run off leash on the trail. I do expect him to be reminded though, becuse during the walk sometimes he would pull and I would turn around and walk the other way and then he got reminded so he hurry and went by my side. I think he begining to think i am is owner because I am the only one who does anything with him. Of course his mom byes him food and bones and treats and lets him sleep with her but I do all of the training. Thanks soooo much! I will be able to take him on a walk I think with out being pulled! :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :!:
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Post by pooch_love »

Zues had a kong put would give up trying to get the treat out of it. And yes aI agree he does seem very bored. He loves food so I am going to teach him tricks using food and praise.
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Post by pooch_love »

and yes I also play fetch and when I go sledding outside I bring him with me and he will chase me. Right now I am going to do the watch me...and then play a game of fetch outside.
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Post by rjb34me »

LOL really? :o
what kind of treat was it? I usually put layers of stuff, yogurt, treats, cheese, yogurt, the smellier and tastier the better. THEN FREEZE! regular dog cookies do not work. I guess not ever dog would like them.

I hope your aunt does not get a choke collar. Unless you know exactly how to use them they are not good. Heck I dont even know how "good" they are regardless. Again I would not think a 14 yr old could use one the right way.

He loves food so I am going to teach him tricks using food and praise.>>>

I agree with the other poster, try and catch him before he gets to "that"point of pulling. This is what I tell my daughter, If she gets more than her length ahead of you, stop. once there is slack and she backs up, then you go again.
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Post by pooch_love »

that is exactly what I did once I knew he was going to pull I turned around and walked the other way. Yeah I have no clue how to use them except I know that you can put it on backwards because I was watching this training show and they used them. We would put the regular cookies in the kong maybe that is why he didn't like it. I will put some other kinds of stuff in there and try it out!
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so excited!

Post by pooch_love »

I am soo excited! I training Zeus not to pull me when I go on a walk with him. He know only needs a little reminder and he walks with me perfectly!
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