Please help stop Animal Cruelty

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Please help stop Animal Cruelty

Post by DogzRule1996 »

Go to that website and scroll down. You will see a petition that you should sign to help stop fur trade. They trap and capture domestic dogs and cats. They also catch birds and endangered species just for their feathers and fur. They leave them in cramped cages and either wait for them to die or if skinning day arrives and their still alive they either shoot them, beat them, or slowly strangle them to death. Sometimes, they even skin them alive. Their carcuses are thrown into a pile, and some of them still survive, but shortly die of pain and suffering. By signing, you are helping contribute to Fur Free Alliance. More info is on the web. Please, we need to stop this suffering. There are a lot of things you can do to save animals, and this is just one of the many options. Remember, they do not have a voice in their future. We ARE their voices. They don't get to decide where they want to live when they grow up like how we get to choose our colleges. Animals have no voices. We have to help them. Every 10 seconds, an animal is being beat or mauled to death, and us humans are the cause of it. So please, help them stand strong. Below are some videos and a website.
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Post by manda.sue »

Signed and submitted. Thanks!
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Please help stop animal cruelty

Post by wvvdiup1 »

I've also signed and submitted. Thanks DogzRule1996 for the information!

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Post by pmcrae71 »

I could not get the link to open. Can you re-post it for me? Maybe it timed out or something
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