What do you do with your dogs poo?

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Re: What do you do with your dogs poo?

Post by jacksdad »

I attended a city council meeting and a county parks commission meeting where there was some items on the agenda regarding dogs.

OMG! the absolutely silly stuff anti dog people come up with.

for the parks commission meeting the question of making one of the beaches officially off leash came up. The objections...

dogs pee/poo on the beach and create a danger for the kids
dogs would disrupt the mating of a endangered bird

Now.... lets look at these objections.

First, the pee/poo concern. some how, some way dogs going to the bathroom on the beach is FAR, FAR more dangerous than birds and other wild life eliminating on the beach, and FAR, FAR dangerous than all the dead bodies of birds and other wild life that is regularly found on the beach. far more so than the odd un cleaned up after dog. The beach in question was predominately a locals beach and the locals by and far tended to clean up after their dogs from my observation. So FAIL... in reality not an issue but anti dog people are pulling the "for the kids"/"oh no what about the kids" card.

What about the endangered bird? While actually a reasonable concern to bring up, in this case it really didn't stand up to even simple logic and was in my opinion not even a legit concern for this beach. Now, I fully realize I just used the word opinion verse pointing to a study with facts, and it would in theory be fair to say "but you are a dog person so of course you would not agree"..... except for one little issue. The beach in question....disappears at high tied. I am fairly sure the fact that the beach disappears under water and gets pounded by waves is FAR, FAR more a detriment to the endangered birds ability to mate and lay eggs on the beach than loose dogs. Then there is the "issue" of even if off leash got denied, what about all the loose kids, people walking, and yes dogs on leash....IF there was really an issue of disrupting this endangered birds ability to mate and lay eggs and raise young on this particular beach...seems to me we need to close off the beach as loose dogs would be the least issue of concern.

Some people just don't like dogs and make up all kinds of stuff to try and push dogs into a "confined corner" away from them. There is actually a good book on the dog verse non dog people and policy http://www.amazon.com/Unleashed-Fury-Do ... 1557535752
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Re: What do you do with your dogs poo?

Post by Wilkie »

jacksdad wrote:I attended a city council meeting and a county parks commission meeting where there was some items on the agenda regarding dogs.

OMG! the absolutely silly stuff anti dog people come up with.

for the parks commission meeting the question of making one of the beaches officially off leash came up. The objections...

dogs pee/poo on the beach and create a danger for the kids
dogs would disrupt the mating of a endangered bird

Now.... lets look at these objections.

First, the pee/poo concern. some how, some way dogs going to the bathroom on the beach is FAR, FAR more dangerous than birds and other wild life eliminating on the beach, and FAR, FAR dangerous than all the dead bodies of birds and other wild life that is regularly found on the beach. far more so than the odd un cleaned up after dog. The beach in question was predominately a locals beach and the locals by and far tended to clean up after their dogs from my observation. So FAIL... in reality not an issue but anti dog people are pulling the "for the kids"/"oh no what about the kids" card.

What about the endangered bird? While actually a reasonable concern to bring up, in this case it really didn't stand up to even simple logic and was in my opinion not even a legit concern for this beach. Now, I fully realize I just used the word opinion verse pointing to a study with facts, and it would in theory be fair to say "but you are a dog person so of course you would not agree"..... except for one little issue. The beach in question....disappears at high tied. I am fairly sure the fact that the beach disappears under water and gets pounded by waves is FAR, FAR more a detriment to the endangered birds ability to mate and lay eggs on the beach than loose dogs. Then there is the "issue" of even if off leash got denied, what about all the loose kids, people walking, and yes dogs on leash....IF there was really an issue of disrupting this endangered birds ability to mate and lay eggs and raise young on this particular beach...seems to me we need to close off the beach as loose dogs would be the least issue of concern.

Some people just don't like dogs and make up all kinds of stuff to try and push dogs into a "confined corner" away from them. There is actually a good book on the dog verse non dog people and policy http://www.amazon.com/Unleashed-Fury-Do ... 1557535752
I would have more concern over dogs running loose on a beach because of irresponsible people. Anything can happen to the dog if the person isn't watching. I could come up with a list of concerns involving dog parks and dogs running around loose on a beach. Of course, anti-dog people wouldn't even think of them as concerns. Also, why would any responsible parent let their children run around among strange dogs? That goes completely against the rule that children should never approach a dog they don't know.
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Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:48 pm

Re: What do you do with your dogs poo?

Post by jacksdad »

a lot depends on the "culture" of the people at a particular place. we do express a lot of concerns about dog parks here, but even dog parks do not have to be thought of as "inherently bad". their "negatives" have A LOT more to do with the "culture" of the regulars than the dogs.

In terms of the specific beach I am talking about in my post. by and far the dogs were VERY well behaved. MOST of the time the dogs were engaged with their people or off doing their own things. we used to go fairly regularly and I felt much better there with Jack loose with all those other loose dogs than at our local dog park.

there is another beach that allows off leash dogs. the "culture" there isn't the same. the two beaches are about 20 minutes apart if that. same coast line, basically same "town". But have different "feels" to them.
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