My calm bella

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My calm bella

Post by BellaBambini »

So, I've posted a few times about my puppy Bella -- and I had mentioned how the two of us are rather inexperienced puppy people. She's 14 weeks old now (approx.) and she's still teething, and not vaccinated. Poor pup has localed demodex on her face/muzzle so the Vet has held off on giving her vaccinations because she wants to give that time to clear up. At any rate ...when we first got her she was a very calm dog, of course like all puppies she had SO much energy but now its like she has two moods - asleep or hyperactive.

When she's hyperactive she's lunging at ppl with her mouth wide open, she's trying to eat things (she has successfully destroyed two text books and I narrowly freed my Harry Potter book from her teeth). Short of taking EVERYTHING off EVERY SURFACE within her reach -- help :(
I love my puppy, and when she's calm she's absolutely lovely, she's a lap dog for sure but she just never seems to BE calm nowadays.

We let her run around in the back yard with the leash on (16 ft retractable) - and we do training (click training) with her. She's mastered sit and lay (if she's undestracted and u have a treat she'll come when called but its a work in progress).

These forums have been such a great help to us we really could use all the help we have available to us. We're in contact with a great Canine academy in the area and when she's free to -- we're gonna sign her right up but until then we could use some advice.
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Post by ckranz »

Aren't pups cute??????

As far as chewing and teething are concerned. Keep anything that absolutely must not be chewed out of reach. Using baby gates and xPens can also help limit access to prevent accidental chewing.

Provide her with pleanty of chewable alternatives...bully sticks, kongs etc... Play games like tug to help exercise those jaw muscles.

One thing that helped Apollo get over the demodex was adding some fishoil into his diet. The added omeaga 3 boh imporved his skin and boosted his immune system to help fight it off. Are you having your vet dip her? The dipping process is very exhausting so be careful on doing this. Demodectic mange is pretyy much something everydog has passed down from their mothers. It is controlled normally by the immune system. For puppies who have underdeveloped immune systems and other dogs who have weakened immune systems symptoms may occur.

It is not contagious to you or to other dogs. She still needs to be walked and socialized with people and other dogs. (I would not go to the dog park without vaccinations), but do enroll in puppy classes.

Running around the back yard on a 16' tether will not provide enough exercise. She needs both mental and phyiscal games. There is a great thread about exercising the mind. check it out for some great games and ideas.
Lis & Addy
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Post by Lis & Addy »

When she's hyperactive she's lunging at ppl with her mouth wide open, she's trying to eat things (she has successfully destroyed two text books and I narrowly freed my Harry Potter book from her teeth). Short of taking EVERYTHING off EVERY SURFACE within her reach -- help
I love my puppy, and when she's calm she's absolutely lovely, she's a lap dog for sure but she just never seems to BE calm nowadays.
Getting everything you don't want chewed out of her reach while she's teething is an excellent plan. Go for it!

Seriously. You've got to combine making things she shouldn't chew unavailable to her as much as possible with providing, and redirecting her towards, things she should be chewing--Kongs, bully sticks, other safe chew toys.
We let her run around in the back yard with the leash on (16 ft retractable) - and we do training (click training) with her. She's mastered sit and lay (if she's undestracted and u have a treat she'll come when called but its a work in progress).
Being allowed to run around in the yard on her own is not nearly enough exercise for her. Dogs won't exercise themselves enough on their own, for one thing, and for another--how much does the yard change from day to day? There's no mental exercise there. Doing some clicker training with her is a good start, and you can expand that with some simple trick training, too. But Bella needs to be walked. With you, every day. How long, how far, depends a lot on what kind of dog and how large she is--at fourteen weeks, you don't want to overdo it and overstress her, but she needs to be walked, for both the physical and the mental exercise it will give her. Two or three walks of fifteen or twenty minutes each may be a lot better for her at this age than one hour-long walk--especially if you can vary the routes.

Puppies are overwhelming, but most people survive, so hang in there, and remember how cute she is when she's curled up in your lap! :D

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