Do Labs make good service Ihavdogs??????

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Do Labs make good service Ihavdogs??????

Post by Diann »

I've been reading for quite sometime but never posted before so here is my 1st. I have a chocolate lab that just turned 2, his original family was going to put him down if they couldn't find a family for him so we got him at 18 months old. They were crazy, he is the most loving dog. I am diabetic and had a car accident that injured my back really bad.

He is with me at all times as I can't work any longer and when I lie on the couch or bed he comes over and smells my breath before he lies down. Diabetics breath smells sweet when they are going low or high with their blood sugars and need help.

My husband wants to get a harness and see if he can pull my wheelchair. I can walk but not for any distance.
How can we tell if he would be good as a service dog. My daughter trains dogs but she lives in Washington state and we are in Nebraska. Is this training we can do? We live in a very remote area and there are no dog trainers with in 500 miles of us.
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