My stubborn Beagle refuses to potty where he's suppose to

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My stubborn Beagle refuses to potty where he's suppose to

Post by soloer »

I have a 3 month old Beagle, which I bought 6 days ago, and it's a stubborn one. I live in an apartment and I can't take him out because it’s too cold and he's missing the booster and rabies vaccinations and his collar. My apartment is too small to have a crate. The only place where it would fit is in my living room but it’s too cold there, so I'm trying to train him to go on wee-wee pad I put in the bathroom. I have shown him the pad right after he peed in a random spot. When I see him I tell him "NO!!" in an unhappy voice and take him to the pad and tell him "pee here". He smells the pad and I guarantee you he can smell his urine there because I have put countless napkins soaked with his pee there so he can think that's where he should pee but he still refuses to pee there. I have sprayed the pad with a special liquid that will make dogs think that's where they peed before and he still refuses to pee there. I clean up his pee with a special liquid that's suppose to take the stain and odor out of the floor but he still goes to the same area. I know when he's about to go because he drops everything he's doing and starts smelling the floor and I follow him and take him to the pad but he just ignores it, runs out and goes somewhere else. A few days ago he was doing #2 on the floor I yell "NO!!" take him to the pad and he smells it, runs back to the same area and finishes his business. Please don't say he's too young because my cousin's Yorkie is the same age and he knows where it is that he's suppose to go and we've done the same housebreaking method and they've thought it to him in less than a week. Also he can hold his bladder for a while because he sleeps through the whole night without having an accident and through another one of my frustrating attempts to have him pee on the pad. I knew he was about to go pee so I take him to the room the pad is in and close the door. He smells the pad and the odor of his urine is there because there was a napkin that I used to clean his pee before, so there is no doubt he knows he can go there. But he just wants to get out and go back to his usual area which I clean very carefully. So we're in the bathroom and I'm trying to encourage him to eliminate on the pad. By this time he must have smelled it 7 times, but he decides to not go on the pad. He eliminated on the bathroom floor 3 feet away from the pad.

I'm getting really frustrated because he has the intelligence to understand this, as I was teaching him how to sit and he got it in a few tries, but he still refuses to pee where it is I want him too. Also when he bites household objects he's not suppose to or me and I tell him no and try to make him bite his toy, but he ignores it, I punish him by putting him in the bathroom for about 10 minutes and I was thinking that this may be why he doesn't want to eliminate here because the room I punish him in is the room I want him to do his business. But at the same time the bathroom is the ideal place for me to put the pad as it's not bothering or annoying anyone because I've visited my family who have pets and their pads is the in the hallway and come on, why would you put it in the hallway where people should walk and when visitors come who would want to see that there with a bad smell. The bathroom is the perfect place. I also can’t punish him by putting him in another room because he'll just start playing with something in the other rooms and not even know he's punished, again the bathroom is right for this too.

I've been reading a lot of information about housebreaking but it seems it never occurred to anyone that people in the city do not have houses, as in they live in apartments, and if anyone reading this lives in New York City you must know how the cops will give a ticket to anyone for anything, so I'm not taking him outside until he's vaccinated and has his collar. I'm very consistent and don't let him get away with anything bad and try to use positive reinforcement like praising him when i tell him no and he stops biting the wires in the living room and bites his toy.

So please!! please!! please!! please!!!!! help me.
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