Stress of Traveling/Reconnecting with Family on Dog?

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Stress of Traveling/Reconnecting with Family on Dog?

Post by flora »

Hello, I recently moved across state for school and couldn't take my King Charles Spaniel with me. Although she previously lived with me, she also spent about half of her time at my parents. She is now staying with them for two years until after I'm done with school. She seems to be doing well after I've left and is quite happy with them. I would really love for her to come with my parents when they fly out to visit me but my question is whether this would put more stress on her? Flying to a new place, seeing me and then having to leave again. Flying in general doesn't bother her, I'm just worried about whether it would be stressful for her to not really understand where I am and then have to leave? Or would it be good for her to see me (it's been a month now)/have a sense of where I am? The other option is to wait a couple months longer until I can fly home to see her there for a week or so. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this! Thanks!
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